Deployed Spouses Network
The ROSC Deployed Spouses Network is available to support any ROSC spouse whose military member is deployed. You do not have to have a current deployment to join. All are welcome so we can support those in need. Monthly get togethers for the group are available as interest is expressed and I will happily arrange them. Monthly events for spouses and/or families with deployed members occur both on and off base and are posted on the group’s Facebook page. For safety, the page is tagged as secret/closed so only those who join can see what is posted. These events (such as movie or swim nights) are hosted on and off base, usually coordinated by the Airman & Family Readiness Center as well as by EFMP Family Support. AFRC events are only for spouses or families of deployed members, although anyone can volunteer to help with these events! Each month I inform the group of any scheduled activity. In addition to these events, the group's Facebook page also contains information to help prepare for and cope with deployments, as well as information on reintegration upon return. There is also information about key spouses and other resources, both on and off base, as well as online resources about deployment. The page also provides base announcements and articles about things like Tricare that spouses may not know about while their military member is away.