Join Us!
Regular membership is open to spouses of active duty U.S. officers.
Associate membership is open to spouses of retired officers, spouses of civilians eligible for membership in the Officer’s Club, any single officer or civilian equivalent, spouses of Component Command Air Headquarters foreign officers, and the widows or widowers of officers.
The ROSC Governing Board will make exceptions to the stated criteria on a case-by-case basis.
Officer Grade:
O1-O3, WO
Civilian Level:
GS7 - GS9
Officer Grade:
Civilian Level:
GS-10 to GS-15
Officer Grade:
Civilian Level:
SES 1-6
Printed Applications: Bring the completed application to the next ROSC function with your membership fee (cash or check) or drop off the application in an envelope titled "Membership" into the mailbox outside of the ROSC office, which is located inside the O-Club.