Scholarship Chair
Reports to: VP of Community Outreach
The Scholarship Chair will organize and oversee a committee to administer the ROSC / Kaiserslautern Military Community (KMC) scholarship program. The scholarship committee is comprised of at least five (5) ROSC members. The committee will act as stewards of the KMC scholarship budget, to include organizing, publicizing, collecting, and reviewing scholarship applications from the KMC community. After applications are scored by non-partial members of the community, the committee members will then disseminate the funds to those awardees for the purpose of furthering their education.
Principal Accountabilities:
Attend respective monthly Governing Board meetings (not to miss more than three (3) board meetings in a term year).
Attend monthly membership meeting.
Submit a monthly consolidated report to Recording Secretary on time to include monthly expenditures.
Ensure budget is maintained.
Prepare a revised or current job description to the Parliamentarian by the mid-year board meeting.
Show respect and represent the ROSC in the community with high standards.
Submit an after-action report and timeline to the incoming President and Parliamentarian by the deadline set by the Parliamentarian.
The scholarship chair position is from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. General timeline of activities:
➢ January:
○ Form committee and hold the first committee meeting, discuss applications/distribution, update the essay question for this year.
➢ February
○ Hold a committee meeting to discuss how the application process is going.
○ Start recruiting judges.
○ Applications should be due mid to late month.
➢ March
○ Hold committee meeting to discuss judging day, rack and stack, and awards ceremonies
○ End of month: Judging day (All applicant information is handed over to judges to be scored)
➢ April
○ The committee meets to determine awards based on scores, spreadsheet needs to be completed.
○ Hold rack and stack meeting.
➢ May
○ End of May/beginning of June attend HS award ceremonies
○ Collect payment forms
➢ June
○ Collect final payment forms
○ Treasurer issues checks
➢ July
○ Treasurer issues checks
➢ December
○ Complete AAR and handoff to new chair
Governing Board Community Outreach Positions