Reports to: VP of Operations
Responsible for regularly maintaining the club website, as well as creating and sending mass communication emails to membership when needed, and serve as Google Administrator for the Board.
Principal Accountabilities:
Attend respective monthly Executive and/or Governing Board meetings (not to miss more than three (3) board meetings in a term year).
Attend monthly membership meeting.
Submit a monthly consolidated report to Recording Secretary on time to include monthly expenditures.
Ensure budget is maintained.
Prepare a revised or current job description to the Parliamentarian by mid-year.
Show respect and represent the ROSC in the community with high standards.
Submit an after-action report and timeline to the incoming President and Parliamentarian by the deadline set by the Parliamentarian.
Regularly update ROSC website with information regarding upcoming events and socials, Bazaar dates, general club information, volunteer opportunities, scholarship links, the grants request form, and any other publicly-advertised activities.
Update ROSC website monthly
Feature information for upcoming social, with link to reservations
Advertise other events, such as welcome coffees and AWAG
Maintain page for monthly calendar of events, as created by VP of Operations or other responsible board member
Post announcement of Executive and Governing Board members at the beginning of the year
Make payments for website and domain, seeking reimbursement from General Fund Treasurer
Feature areas of Volunteerism on the website
Feature the available “sub-clubs” (activities)
Maintain documents outlining constitution and by-laws, along with other general information
Provide access to membership application
Provide links to Scholarship and Grants application information
Manage mass communication emails to membership
Draft and send announcements to membership as requested and appropriate
Send a monthly announcement of the upcoming social, with an additional “last chance” reminder
Responsibility for monthly Newsletter may fall to Technology Officer. This includes featured information of events, volunteerism, and other upcoming dates.
Google Administrator
Facilitate transition of email access from previous to current board members
Reset passwords as requested for emails under the RamsteinOSC and Ramstein-OSC domains
Manage email groups as needed
Work with Executive and Governing Board members to fulfill requests and maintain quality of communications and online presence.
Governing Board Operations Positions